The company PEMCSA within the group has an aggregate plant, a concrete plant and gravel plant for making cement, as well as a materials transportation park.
In the aggregate plant we carry out the stone treatment from adjacent mines to obtain materials suitable for granular bases and subbases, aggregate asphal
t, concrete and mortar. The facility has its own laboratory and the aggregates produced are CE marked. Sensitive to the effects of mining activity results in the landscape, Pemacsa restores the eroded land as quarrying progresses.

The concrete plant produces all kinds of concrete according to the current rules of structural concrete EHE. The facility has a production capacity of 60 m³ / h wet and 80 m³ / h dry process and is equipped with a 2m³-mixer. The plant is attached to the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Ready Mixed Concrete (ANEFHOP).
Pemacsa also has its own trucks for the supply and concrete pumping.