On Thursday May 5, Calaf Grup received at its facilities in Calaf the visit of the Honorable Mr. Roger Torrent Ramió, Minister of Enterprise and Labour, together with the Territorial Delegate of the Government of the Generalitat of Central Catalonia, Rosa Vestit Villegas, the director of the Territorial Services of Enterprise and Labour in Central Catalonia, Maria Teresa Clotet Masana, and the mayor of the City Council of Calaf, Jordi Badia Perea.

The event lasted an hour and a half and included a visit to the Calaf Grup offices, the CALAF TRENCHING machinery manufacturing workshop, the industrial building where DAGA Equipment's water purification equipment is manufactured, as well as PICVISA's artificial vision waste sorting equipment and the travelling exhibitions organised by the La Caixa Foundation.

The event ended with a half-hour meeting to discuss some issues of interest to the business society.


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